Care planning will focus on elements such as:
- Finding out what is important to the service user and those people who care about him or her, and what outcomes and goals they wish to achieve
- Understanding how the service user can be supported in having a balance between happy and safe, whilst making the best use of available funding
- What aspirations the service user have and skills they have retained and like to build upon
We ensure that under Mental Capacity Act 2005 that all practical and appropriate steps are taken to enable a person to make the decision themselves. These steps include the following:
- Making the service user feel more at ease. For example, are there particular times of the day when the person’s understanding is better?
- Communicating with service users in an appropriate way. Presenting and explaining information to a service user in a way that they find easy to understand
- Providing the service user with all relevant information. For example, if there is a choice, has the service user been given information on the alternatives?
- Enlisting the help of anyone else who can support the service to understand information and to make a choice
Personalised assessment is carried out Based on Outcome Based Approach. The aim of an Outcome Based approach is to make sure that people who receive care and support and their Family or unpaid carers are supported to live the best lives possible, building on their own strengths and capabilities.
A plan is designed with personal outcome by identifying what the person wants to achieve and their strengths and potential involving a personalised approach where the service user has the choice and control and they let us know what they want to achieve. The service users Family and friends are involved and contribute towards the outcome plan.